If the revocation list includes audit_ids, then when doing offline
validation also validate the token isn't revoked by audit_id.
Backport notes:
- test_auth_token_middleware was refactored with commit 9cbd47b to
check responses differently, so the test changed to use the old
- reno was not supported so the release note is removed.
Closes-Bug: 1490804
Change-Id: I483bc57bd38eb81a0905bcaf94e4ea82604919d6
(cherry picked from commit 96ab58e6863c92575ada57615b19652e502adfd8)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/265988 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ keystonemiddlew are/commit/ ?id=9167afaafc2 16c63fdc875e737 bc379400e94059
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit 9167afaafc216c6 3fdc875e737bc37 9400e94059
Author: Brant Knudson <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 1 16:08:00 2015 -0600
auth_token verify revocation by audit_id
If the revocation list includes audit_ids, then when doing offline
validation also validate the token isn't revoked by audit_id.
Backport notes: token_middlewar e was refactored with commit 9cbd47b to
- test_auth_
check responses differently, so the test changed to use the old
- reno was not supported so the release note is removed.
Closes-Bug: 1490804 1a0905bcaf94e4e a82604919d6 75ada57615b1965 2e502adfd8)
Change-Id: I483bc57bd38eb8
(cherry picked from commit 96ab58e6863c925