Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/folsom
commit 8a2274595ac628b2373eab0cb14690f866b7a024 Author: Dolph Mathews <email address hidden> Date: Tue Feb 19 09:04:11 2013 -0600
Disable XML entity parsing
Fixes bug 1100282 and bug 1100279.
Change-Id: Ibf2d73bca17b689cfa2dfd29eb15ea6e7458a123
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/22314 github. com/openstack/ keystone/ commit/ 8a2274595ac628b 2373eab0cb14690 f866b7a024
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/folsom
commit 8a2274595ac628b 2373eab0cb14690 f866b7a024
Author: Dolph Mathews <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 19 09:04:11 2013 -0600
Disable XML entity parsing
Fixes bug 1100282 and bug 1100279.
Change-Id: Ibf2d73bca17b68 9cfa2dfd29eb15e a6e7458a123