* New upstream release (LP: #1041120):
- debian/patches/0013-Flush-tenant-membership-deletion-before-user.patch:
* Resynchronize with stable/essex:
- authenticate in ldap backend doesn't return a list of roles
(LP: #1035428)
- LDAP should not check username on "sn" field (LP: #997700)
- Admin API doesn't valid token. (LP: #1006815, #1006822)
- Memcache token backend eventually stops working. (LP: #1012381)
- EC2 credentials not migrated from legacy (diablo) database. (LP: #1016056)
- Deleting tenants or users does not cleanup metadata. (LP: #973243)
- Deleting tenants does not cleanup its user associations. (LP: #974199)
- TokenNotFound not raised in testsuite beacuse of timezone issues. (LP: #983800)
- Token authentication for a user in a disabled tenant does not raise
Unauthorized error. (LP: #988920)
- export_legacy_catalog doesn't convert url names correctly. (LP: #994936)
- Following a password compromise and subsequent password change,
tokens remain valid. (LP: #996595)
- Tokens remain valid after a user account is disabled. (LP: #997194)
-- Adam Gandelman <email address hidden> Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:34:59 -0400
This bug was fixed in the package keystone - 2012.1+ stable~ 20120824- a16a0ab9- 0ubuntu2
--------------- stable~ 20120824- a16a0ab9- 0ubuntu2) precise-proposed; urgency=low
keystone (2012.1+
* New upstream release (LP: #1041120): patches/ 0013-Flush- tenant- membership- deletion- before- user.patch: legacy_ catalog doesn't convert url names correctly. (LP: #994936)
- debian/
* Resynchronize with stable/essex:
- authenticate in ldap backend doesn't return a list of roles
(LP: #1035428)
- LDAP should not check username on "sn" field (LP: #997700)
- Admin API doesn't valid token. (LP: #1006815, #1006822)
- Memcache token backend eventually stops working. (LP: #1012381)
- EC2 credentials not migrated from legacy (diablo) database. (LP: #1016056)
- Deleting tenants or users does not cleanup metadata. (LP: #973243)
- Deleting tenants does not cleanup its user associations. (LP: #974199)
- TokenNotFound not raised in testsuite beacuse of timezone issues. (LP: #983800)
- Token authentication for a user in a disabled tenant does not raise
Unauthorized error. (LP: #988920)
- export_
- Following a password compromise and subsequent password change,
tokens remain valid. (LP: #996595)
- Tokens remain valid after a user account is disabled. (LP: #997194)
-- Adam Gandelman <email address hidden> Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:34:59 -0400