This bug was fixed in the package linux-azure - 4.13.0-1009.12
--------------- linux-azure (4.13.0-1009.12) xenial; urgency=low
* linux-azure: 4.13.0-1009.12 -proposed tracker (LP: #1746726)
* libata: apply MAX_SEC_1024 to all LITEON EP1 series devices (LP: #1743053) - libata: apply MAX_SEC_1024 to all LITEON EP1 series devices
linux-azure (4.13.0-1008.11) xenial; urgency=low
* linux-azure: 4.13.0-1008.11 -proposed tracker (LP: #1745669)
* [Hyper-V] x86/hyperv: Stop suppressing X86_FEATURE_PCID (LP: #1745247) - x86/hyperv: Stop suppressing X86_FEATURE_PCID
* [Hyper-V] scsi: storvsc: Spread interrupts when picking a channel for I/O requests (LP: #1745260) - SAUCE: scsi: storvsc: Spread interrupts when picking a channel for I/O requests
* [Hyper-V] scsi: storvsc: Increase cmd_per_lun for higher speed devices (LP: #1745261) - SAUCE: scsi: storvsc: Increase cmd_per_lun for higher speed devices - [Config] CONFIG_SCSI_MQ_DEFAULT=y
-- Marcelo Henrique Cerri <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Feb 2018 11:13:09 -0200
This bug was fixed in the package linux-azure - 4.13.0-1009.12
linux-azure (4.13.0-1009.12) xenial; urgency=low
* linux-azure: 4.13.0-1009.12 -proposed tracker (LP: #1746726)
* libata: apply MAX_SEC_1024 to all LITEON EP1 series devices (LP: #1743053)
- libata: apply MAX_SEC_1024 to all LITEON EP1 series devices
linux-azure (4.13.0-1008.11) xenial; urgency=low
* linux-azure: 4.13.0-1008.11 -proposed tracker (LP: #1745669)
* [Hyper-V] x86/hyperv: Stop suppressing X86_FEATURE_PCID (LP: #1745247)
- x86/hyperv: Stop suppressing X86_FEATURE_PCID
* [Hyper-V] scsi: storvsc: Spread interrupts when picking a channel for I/O
requests (LP: #1745260)
- SAUCE: scsi: storvsc: Spread interrupts when picking a channel for I/O
* [Hyper-V] scsi: storvsc: Increase cmd_per_lun for higher speed devices SCSI_MQ_ DEFAULT= y
(LP: #1745261)
- SAUCE: scsi: storvsc: Increase cmd_per_lun for higher speed devices
- [Config] CONFIG_
-- Marcelo Henrique Cerri <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Feb 2018 11:13:09 -0200