svn up completed, ran bin/buildout; however, cannot seem to run bin/start_over right now, because of a calendar error (?). removed api.pyc from its directory, ran everything again (except start_over) and the error is still there.
traceback when running bin/start_over on my machine:
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 357, in endElementNS
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 541, in end
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 688, in finish
args = toargs(context, *self.argdata)
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 1380, in toargs
args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 139, in fromUnicode
value = self.context.resolve(name)
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/eggs/zope.configuration-3.4.1-py2.5.egg/zope/configuration/", line 181, in resolve
mod = __import__(mname, *_import_chickens)
File "/home/will/osi/karl3/src/karl.content/karl/content/views/", line 19, in <module>
calendar.setfirstweekday(6) # Fscking Europeans!
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/home/will/osi/karl3/src/osi/osi/configure.zcml", line 4.2-4.36
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/home/will/osi/karl3/src/karl.content/karl/content/configure.zcml", line 4.2-4.30
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/home/will/osi/karl3/src/karl.content/karl/content/views/configure.zcml", line 65.2-69.4
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setfirstweekday'
svn up completed, ran bin/buildout; however, cannot seem to run bin/start_over right now, because of a calendar error (?). removed api.pyc from its directory, ran everything again (except start_over) and the error is still there.
traceback when running bin/start_over on my machine:
File "/home/ will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ xmlconfig. py", line 357, in endElementNS context. end() will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ config. py", line 541, in end stack.pop( ).finish( ) will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ config. py", line 688, in finish will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ config. py", line 1380, in toargs de(s) will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ fields. py", line 139, in fromUnicode resolve( name) will/osi/ karl3/eggs/ zope.configurat ion-3.4. 1-py2.5. egg/zope/ configuration/ config. py", line 181, in resolve will/osi/ karl3/src/ karl.content/ karl/content/ views/calendar_ events. py", line 19, in <module> setfirstweekday (6) # Fscking Europeans! ion.xmlconfig. ZopeXMLConfigur ationError: File "/home/ will/osi/ karl3/src/ osi/osi/ configure. zcml", line 4.2-4.36 igurationError: File "/home/ will/osi/ karl3/src/ karl.content/ karl/content/ configure. zcml", line 4.2-4.30 igurationError: File "/home/ will/osi/ karl3/src/ karl.content/ karl/content/ views/configure .zcml", line 65.2-69.4
File "/home/
File "/home/
args = toargs(context, *self.argdata)
File "/home/
args[str(name)] = field.fromUnico
File "/home/
value = self.context.
File "/home/
mod = __import__(mname, *_import_chickens)
File "/home/
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setfirstweekday'