Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>) Branch: master
commit 47b783d4b1687c440f74b73e29278c63d533c78d Author: Sukhdev Kapur <email address hidden> Date: Tue Jun 26 17:44:02 2018 -0700
Add test to verify multiple bond topologies
A new test is added which allows to create multiple bond topologies to test LAG and multi-homing interfaces.
Additionally, an enhancement is made to disable LACP on a LAG interface
Change-Id: I584421cb592dd395f5761bff31360ce197757252 Closes-Bug: 1778825
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/44146 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 47b783d4b1687c4 40f74b73e29278c 63d533c78d
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>)
Branch: master
commit 47b783d4b1687c4 40f74b73e29278c 63d533c78d
Author: Sukhdev Kapur <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 26 17:44:02 2018 -0700
Add test to verify multiple bond topologies
A new test is added which allows to create multiple bond
topologies to test LAG and multi-homing interfaces.
Additionally, an enhancement is made to disable LACP
on a LAG interface
Change-Id: I584421cb592dd3 95f5761bff31360 ce197757252
Closes-Bug: 1778825