Agent uses EVPN type 2 routes to pick up the locally created routes
(i.e. VM) and re publish same in following tables:
- Inet table of L2 VN - redirect to l3 vn.
- Evpn table of L3 VN(routing VN) - IP with zero mac, exported to CN.
- Inet table L3 VN - Used for forwarding after routing.
Vxlan routing knob is based on following:
- vxlan routing knob in project
- linking of l3 vn(routing VN) to logical router
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/41263 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 6cbdbc52a2d24a4 6c2befdb50719ee 2b137bb9a5
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>)
Branch: master
commit 6cbdbc52a2d24a4 6c2befdb50719ee 2b137bb9a5
Author: Manish <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 16 17:12:49 2018 +0530
Agent changes: VXLAN Routing/EVPN type-5 support.
Agent uses EVPN type 2 routes to pick up the locally created routes
(i.e. VM) and re publish same in following tables:
- Inet table of L2 VN - redirect to l3 vn.
- Evpn table of L3 VN(routing VN) - IP with zero mac, exported to CN.
- Inet table L3 VN - Used for forwarding after routing.
Vxlan routing knob is based on following:
- vxlan routing knob in project
- linking of l3 vn(routing VN) to logical router
Depends-On: I0aa35f774bab5f 756c0d72ab2088c 033356de747 /blueprints. launchpad. net/opencontrai l/+spec/ evpn-type- 5
Implements: blueprint https:/
Partial-bug: 1636654
Conflicts: agent/oper/ agent.sandesh agent/oper/ nexthop. cc agent/oper/ tunnel_ nh.h agent/oper/ agent/oper/ vn.h agent/vrouter/ ksync/nexthop_
Change-Id: Iea9018390612dd 5d48fde3fbb4d5c e6ae2dce141