Need more info from the setup.
1. VRF List from the Introspect.
- Login to web-ui
- Enter the following browser in a new tab
http://<ip or hostname>:<introspect port - usually it wil be 8085>/Snh_PageReq?x=begin:-1,end:-1,table:db.vrf.0&name=
For eg: http://nodeb12:8085/Snh_PageReq?x=begin:-1,end:-1,table:db.vrf.0&name=
2. Javascript console log if there are any js errors.
- Navigate to Monitor -> Infrastructure -> Virtual Routers -> Routes
- If you are using Chrome Right Click anywhere on the page and click on Inspect Element
- Click on Console tab and copy the logs if there are any errors.
Need more info from the setup. :<introspect port - usually it wil be 8085>/Snh_ PageReq? x=begin: -1,end: -1,table: db.vrf. 0&name= nodeb12: 8085/Snh_ PageReq? x=begin: -1,end: -1,table: db.vrf. 0&name=
1. VRF List from the Introspect.
- Login to web-ui
- Enter the following browser in a new tab
http://<ip or hostname>
For eg: http://
2. Javascript console log if there are any js errors.
- Navigate to Monitor -> Infrastructure -> Virtual Routers -> Routes
- If you are using Chrome Right Click anywhere on the page and click on Inspect Element
- Click on Console tab and copy the logs if there are any errors.