The local-as that you are referring to in cfg_underlay_ip_clos/templates/juniper_underlay_ip_clos.j2 is the underlay asn allocated from the underlay asn range provided for ZTP fabric. Its not overlay asn.
The overlay asn is configured by cfg_overlay_bgp/templates/juniper_junos-qfx_overlay_bgp.j2.
This is consistent with the behavior of DM prior to 5.0.1 when DM used netconf to push the config directly.
The local-as that you are referring to in cfg_underlay_ ip_clos/ templates/ juniper_ underlay_ ip_clos. j2 is the underlay asn allocated from the underlay asn range provided for ZTP fabric. Its not overlay asn.
The overlay asn is configured by cfg_overlay_ bgp/templates/ juniper_ junos-qfx_ overlay_ bgp.j2.
This is consistent with the behavior of DM prior to 5.0.1 when DM used netconf to push the config directly.