AE interface naming is very restrictive and must
be between ae<min-num> to ae<max-num>.
Consideration need to be given to the fact that
same name does not get repeated for a given TOR
Change-Id: Id5e5b8089a0651389dbfc06e8b05ce5bcfb8e1a5
Closes-Bug: #1778825
(cherry picked from commit dc880cb27052efb62fbd5e16a3d0ab39ede6b47a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/46521 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 0d8b561fe08396c bc679d5c535705b 80c3103d5d
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R5.0
commit 0d8b561fe08396c bc679d5c535705b 80c3103d5d
Author: Sukhdev Kapur <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 7 16:23:18 2018 -0700
AE Interface for LAG should be sequential
AE interface naming is very restrictive and must
be between ae<min-num> to ae<max-num>.
Consideration need to be given to the fact that
same name does not get repeated for a given TOR
Change-Id: Id5e5b8089a0651 389dbfc06e8b05c e5bcfb8e1a5 62fbd5e16a3d0ab 39ede6b47a)
Closes-Bug: #1778825
(cherry picked from commit dc880cb27052efb