Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>) Branch: R5.0
commit 0ce09fc258973c945ebb14c234a45968d2c72f47 Author: Krzysztof Klimonda <email address hidden> Date: Thu Apr 19 19:14:46 2018 +0200
Don't strip documentation from config-base container
Contrail API server delivers browseable HTML documentation in /usr/share/doc/ and care has to be taken to not strip it out during installation.
Change-Id: I4f4dd81c463d344855fb60723dcc03c74e8c6e63 Closes-Bug: #1765312
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/42199 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- container- builder/ commit/ 0ce09fc258973c9 45ebb14c234a459 68d2c72f47
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul v3 CI (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R5.0
commit 0ce09fc258973c9 45ebb14c234a459 68d2c72f47
Author: Krzysztof Klimonda <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 19 19:14:46 2018 +0200
Don't strip documentation from config-base container
Contrail API server delivers browseable HTML documentation in
/usr/share/doc/ and care has to be taken to not strip it out during
Change-Id: I4f4dd81c463d34 4855fb60723dcc0 3c74e8c6e63
Closes-Bug: #1765312