Comment 0 for bug 1775127

Revision history for this message
Vivek (vivekgarg) wrote :

4.1 Contrail bringup with accelerated NIC requires following steps to be executed manually. Ideally we want to get rid of these steps and do one step installation.

On Computes:
    * have the following debs pre-installed:
        * agilio-nic-firmware*.deb
        * agilio-nfp-driver-dkms*.deb
        * ns-agilio-vrouter-udev*.deb
        * The rename deb should create a udev file in `/etc/udev/rules.d/10-netronome.udev.rules`. If the file is not present make sure that the nfp module is loaded `rmmod nfp; modprobe nfp` and then execute the script `/opt/netronome/libexec/`
    * Run `update-initramfs -u` on the pre-provisioned compute node
    * Reboot the compute nodes to verify that the `nfp_p0` network interface has correctly been configured.

On Server-manager node:
### Create Netronome Repo
Run the `` script. This will setup a netronome repo on server-manager in the same way that the contrail repo is setup. This will also update some deb packages that were patched:

    ./ ocata

### Update docker images
Run the `` script as root. This will change into the `update-docker-images` directory and run `./`. This will apply updates to the docker images on server manager before they are deployed to the nodes:

    ./ ocata