Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: R2.20
commit 26a7e035fef9e7987840dfe903b1d32f4fca15da Author: Antoine Eiche <email address hidden> Date: Thu Feb 18 11:49:53 2016 +0100
Revert "Add vnc_api method set_user_roles"
The method set_auth_token has been unfortunately cherry-picked and this introduces a regression since RBAC is not supported by the vnc_api R2.20.
This reverts commit 77d2febbc18c26fb80bb1ee585e39549a0a62ffb.
Change-Id: Ifdf28ce18de55b3bed3e59de56de415da1839c2e Partial-Bug: 1546057
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/17356 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 26a7e035fef9e79 87840dfe903b1d3 2f4fca15da
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: R2.20
commit 26a7e035fef9e79 87840dfe903b1d3 2f4fca15da
Author: Antoine Eiche <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 18 11:49:53 2016 +0100
Revert "Add vnc_api method set_user_roles"
The method set_auth_token has been unfortunately cherry-picked and this
introduces a regression since RBAC is not supported by the vnc_api
This reverts commit 77d2febbc18c26f b80bb1ee585e395 49a0a62ffb.
Change-Id: Ifdf28ce18de55b 3bed3e59de56de4 15da1839c2e
Partial-Bug: 1546057