Presently, pysandesh uses WSGIServer defined in wsgiref.simple_server
for http introspect, whose poll_interval is 0.5 seconds by default.
The poll_interval is used to check for server shutdown. Therefore, if
the poll_interval is set to None, it requires external trigger such as
connection to the socket to wakeup the select loop. Polling reduces the
responsiveness and wastes cpu cycle. Use gevent.WSGIServer for
http introspect to avoid the polling issue.
Change-Id: Ic8cf8ec815c422be0d65e77247c67e7002bc91ad
Closes-Bug: #1584160
(cherry picked from commit 8a0b129e482cfba1801ca92b4f36dd736c2bfe41)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/24773 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- sandesh/ commit/ a661ecab988f136 c507fdf96de2d9a 2650070a54
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: R3.0
commit a661ecab988f136 c507fdf96de2d9a 2650070a54
Author: Sundaresan Rajangam <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 6 00:45:15 2016 -0700
Use gevent.WSGIServer for http introspect
Presently, pysandesh uses WSGIServer defined in wsgiref. simple_ server
for http introspect, whose poll_interval is 0.5 seconds by default.
The poll_interval is used to check for server shutdown. Therefore, if
the poll_interval is set to None, it requires external trigger such as
connection to the socket to wakeup the select loop. Polling reduces the
responsiveness and wastes cpu cycle. Use gevent.WSGIServer for
http introspect to avoid the polling issue.
Change-Id: Ic8cf8ec815c422 be0d65e77247c67 e7002bc91ad 1801ca92b4f36dd 736c2bfe41)
Closes-Bug: #1584160
(cherry picked from commit 8a0b129e482cfba