Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: R2.20
commit 1f7b04fd7ed346c4ede116d57d9aff817bfc3d80 Author: Ravi BK <email address hidden> Date: Sun May 29 23:58:04 2016 +0530
Issue: Tor agent remain even after it is removed
Fix: Porting the fix to release R2.20
Change-Id: Id89fbb1b5b1350c2af8f578d80a0502078bcde6c Closes-bug: #1569159
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/20743 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- fabric- utils/commit/ 1f7b04fd7ed346c 4ede116d57d9aff 817bfc3d80
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: R2.20
commit 1f7b04fd7ed346c 4ede116d57d9aff 817bfc3d80
Author: Ravi BK <email address hidden>
Date: Sun May 29 23:58:04 2016 +0530
Issue: Tor agent remain even after it is removed
Fix: Porting the fix to release R2.20
Change-Id: Id89fbb1b5b1350 c2af8f578d80a05 02078bcde6c
Closes-bug: #1569159