commit 87be56f7d2f26a04c263a64c9d7f429f8e3b2676
Author: Anand H. Krishnan <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 30 10:53:43 2015 +0530
Carry 'tome' flag across flow queue enqueue and flush
If a packet is routed and the routing decision points to a nexthop
with policy, the packets that are enqueued in the flow entry has
to be routed (and not bridged) when they are flushed from the entry.
To do that, fmd_to_me flag has to be carried across enqueue and
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/6959 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- vrouter/ commit/ 87be56f7d2f26a0 4c263a64c9d7f42 9f8e3b2676
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 87be56f7d2f26a0 4c263a64c9d7f42 9f8e3b2676
Author: Anand H. Krishnan <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 30 10:53:43 2015 +0530
Carry 'tome' flag across flow queue enqueue and flush
If a packet is routed and the routing decision points to a nexthop
with policy, the packets that are enqueued in the flow entry has
to be routed (and not bridged) when they are flushed from the entry.
To do that, fmd_to_me flag has to be carried across enqueue and
Closes BUG: #1406873
Change-Id: Ie6b6d545abe814 bfab7e6df35e53b 1229984a92c