There are two issues as below: 1. From analytics some of VMs returns empty data, for ex: e25-fcc0253e71b9?flat
Similarly, some of the other Vms also return empty data for which we get ³error in fetching the details"
2. For UI, these empty data is treated as error, that needs to be fixed from UI display.
There are two issues as below: 10.84.26. 15:8081/ analytics/ uves/virtual- machine/ 00961497- 5249-4323- b 9?flat
1. From analytics some of VMs returns empty data, for ex:
Similarly, some of the other Vms also return empty data for which we get
³error in fetching the details"
2. For UI, these empty data is treated as error, that needs to be fixed
from UI display.