The bug arises from this
Right now after re-imaging with SM we have to take manual steps to ensure that sources.list on the target nodes are fine and need to run apt-get update on each node before issuing provisioning
So this step needs to be automated.
Above commit should fix the issue.
The bug arises from this https:/ /github. com/Juniper/ contrail- server- manager/ wiki/Provision- Contrail- 4.0.1-( Ocata-Openstack -Containers) -on-a-single- node-all- in-one- cluster- using-Server- Manager# target- node-requiremen ts-for- ocata-container s
Right now after re-imaging with SM we have to take manual steps to ensure that sources.list on the target nodes are fine and need to run apt-get update on each node before issuing provisioning
So this step needs to be automated.
https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/#/c/ 35049/
Above commit should fix the issue.