commit 27cd511e8a570d68c11461782dd670da93f46094
Author: Édouard Thuleau <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 1 16:46:41 2017 +0200
[VNC OpenStack] Support Keystone auth URL without API version
If the Keystone API version is not specified in authentication URL,
that patch first tries to authenticate with v3 Password mechanism, if
it fails it tries again with v2.
Change-Id: I032a2429686438976f0b15c27f9201439154ff6a
Closes-Bug: #1695008
(cherry picked from commit 64ea5182d956ab1e21aa9aeb36a69ad24552f95b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/33725 github. com/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 27cd511e8a570d6 8c11461782dd670 da93f46094
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul (<email address hidden>)
Branch: R4.0
commit 27cd511e8a570d6 8c11461782dd670 da93f46094
Author: Édouard Thuleau <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 1 16:46:41 2017 +0200
[VNC OpenStack] Support Keystone auth URL without API version
If the Keystone API version is not specified in authentication URL,
that patch first tries to authenticate with v3 Password mechanism, if
it fails it tries again with v2.
Change-Id: I032a2429686438 976f0b15c27f920 1439154ff6a e21aa9aeb36a69a d24552f95b)
Closes-Bug: #1695008
(cherry picked from commit 64ea5182d956ab1