contrail-logs takes lot of time processing the query result. Profiling
of the contrail-logs script showed that lot of time is being spent on
xmltodict.parse() and this impacts the overall time taken to fetch all
the rows from the anlaytics-api. TTL for the query result is set to 5 minutes
in redis. Therefore, if the number of records is more for the specified time
duration in the query, then it is possible that some rows may expire
before they are read and hence contrail-logs would display only partial
query result.
To avert this issue, contrail-logs should fetch the query result
completely before processing it.
Change-Id: Ic54731836675009895d69a26514d5699da96bf73
Closes-Bug: #1632446
(cherry picked from commit 71b508dab0ad2855dfb8327c67812b8e4a604e88)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/24912 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- controller/ commit/ 7b62c148a968971 fd1256e59a0d109 61498dc152
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: R3.1
commit 7b62c148a968971 fd1256e59a0d109 61498dc152
Author: Sundaresan Rajangam <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 14 12:10:36 2016 -0700
Fetch all query rows before processing
contrail-logs takes lot of time processing the query result. Profiling
of the contrail-logs script showed that lot of time is being spent on
xmltodict.parse() and this impacts the overall time taken to fetch all
the rows from the anlaytics-api. TTL for the query result is set to 5 minutes
in redis. Therefore, if the number of records is more for the specified time
duration in the query, then it is possible that some rows may expire
before they are read and hence contrail-logs would display only partial
query result.
To avert this issue, contrail-logs should fetch the query result
completely before processing it.
Change-Id: Ic5473183667500 9895d69a26514d5 699da96bf73 5dfb8327c67812b 8e4a604e88)
Closes-Bug: #1632446
(cherry picked from commit 71b508dab0ad285