Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: R2.1
commit 03ce667802412918fb0a83c13e795af2b92b774c Author: Dheeraj Gautam <email address hidden> Date: Sun Mar 1 22:27:26 2015 -0800
SM-Storage: Added some checks file while adding OSDs
1. Added checks while adding auth for OSS. This helps in reducing the command ran for ceph OSD, so "ceph -w" output.
Change-Id: I93fc4cc6587721b1c03e2ca26747511bc6f27796 Partial-Bug: #1420582
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/7944 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- puppet/ commit/ 03ce66780241291 8fb0a83c13e795a f2b92b774c
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: R2.1
commit 03ce66780241291 8fb0a83c13e795a f2b92b774c
Author: Dheeraj Gautam <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 1 22:27:26 2015 -0800
SM-Storage: Added some checks file while adding OSDs
1. Added checks while adding auth for OSS. This helps in reducing the
command ran for ceph OSD, so "ceph -w" output.
Change-Id: I93fc4cc6587721 b1c03e2ca267475 11bc6f27796
Partial-Bug: #1420582