Closes-Bug: #1416491
Setting he DHCP as per horizon format.
For Network and port page.
Closes-Bug: #1415752
Compute:none validation are changed to "compute" so that even if it is
compute:none or compute:any it will be working fine.
(cherry picked from commit 557af36dc947d7114d7d7e2334f3fe20b12220fe)
Closes-Bug: #1416217
Added a extra check to avoid showing the parent UUID for selecting SubInterface.
(cherry picked from commit f8b427d04d258533cc6ad73294364a4321798f3e)
Closes-Bug: #1416232
Handled 2 Issue for this Bug.
1. When the primarrey port is edited it remives all the sub Interface.
Fixed it by passing the same data to the backend.
2. When editing the Subnet and just saving it delete the subnet.
The parameter was passed as fq_name insted of to - Fixed it.
(cherry picked from commit 9b9f8dfe3d3bacae09e009a5a5d201b69043360a)
Closes-Bug: #1417666
New UI to enable or disable DNS for VN per subnet
(cherry picked from commit 56fd86f8613eeb5a6f7ae3e2e13adfd3f2ff6312)
Issues Fixed:
1. Update vm_refs of parent port in child also while create/edit of a port.
2. Create one vmi, then add 2 sub interfaces, now add one more vmi without sub
interface, now edit it and add subinterface, the other two interfaces were
getting lost as child.
3. Do not send vmi_refs in post data while creating VMI.
4. While edit, send vmi_refs only in stead of whole data while updating vmi
5. Allow vlan id to be from 1 to 4094.
Closes-Bug: #1417380
(cherry picked from commit b580b58a9ed75f0e0f8a8db788b27908538226c8)
Modification for enabling disabling DNS
Handled DNS enabling/disabling cases per subnet
Added DNS enable/disable column in detail template
Few DNS validations added
Partial-Bug: #1417666
(cherry picked from commit fab74522f77446762e135f214355545bb3ea55ae)
1) Fixed - disabled the checkbox when the length is 0 for Primary Interface.
2) Fixed - control-label class was pushing to the next line so removed it.
(cherry picked from commit 8358c4ca7cc4b79637f222f4402e3a7b439b5d05)
In low resolution, vn subnet details are not clear.
Fixed the issue by adjusting width of the columns to suit 1024x768 res.
Partial-Bug: #1417666
(cherry picked from commit fb9e8d70316805a4a26b04c36fc6ca35592de518)
Adding support of sub-interface in port configuration.
On behalf of Bala Murugan
commit(R2.1) 8358c4ca7cc4b79637f222f4402e3a7b439b5d05 was not merged properley so
manualley copy paster
1) Fixed - disabled the checkbox when the length is 0 for Primary Interface.
2) Fixed - control-label class was pushing to the next line so removed it.
commit(R2.1) b580b58a9ed75f0e0f8a8db788b27908538226c8
was not merged correctley
1. Update vm_refs of parent port in child also while create/edit of a port.
2. Create one vmi, then add 2 sub interfaces, now add one more vmi without sub
interface, now edit it and add subinterface, the other two interfaces were
getting lost as child.
3. Do not send vmi_refs in post data while creating VMI.
4. While edit, send vmi_refs only in stead of whole data while updating vmi
5. Allow vlan id to be from 1 to 4094.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opencontrail. org/7479 github. org/Juniper/ contrail- web-controller/ commit/ 23bbddd2c9ee968 7bc6995f901a30d 2b37b3ce54
Committed: http://
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 23bbddd2c9ee968 7bc6995f901a30d 2b37b3ce54
Author: balamurugang <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 30 23:31:49 2015 +0530
Closes-Bug: #1416491
Setting he DHCP as per horizon format.
For Network and port page.
Closes-Bug: #1415752
Compute:none validation are changed to "compute" so that even if it is
compute:none or compute:any it will be working fine.
(cherry picked from commit 557af36dc947d71 14d7d7e2334f3fe 20b12220fe)
Closes-Bug: #1416217
Added a extra check to avoid showing the parent UUID for selecting SubInterface.
(cherry picked from commit f8b427d04d25853 3cc6ad73294364a 4321798f3e)
Closes-Bug: #1416232
Handled 2 Issue for this Bug.
1. When the primarrey port is edited it remives all the sub Interface.
Fixed it by passing the same data to the backend.
2. When editing the Subnet and just saving it delete the subnet.
The parameter was passed as fq_name insted of to - Fixed it.
(cherry picked from commit 9b9f8dfe3d3baca e09e009a5a5d201 b69043360a)
Closes-Bug: #1417666
New UI to enable or disable DNS for VN per subnet
(cherry picked from commit 56fd86f8613eeb5 a6f7ae3e2e13adf d3f2ff6312)
Issues Fixed:
1. Update vm_refs of parent port in child also while create/edit of a port.
2. Create one vmi, then add 2 sub interfaces, now add one more vmi without sub
interface, now edit it and add subinterface, the other two interfaces were
getting lost as child.
3. Do not send vmi_refs in post data while creating VMI.
4. While edit, send vmi_refs only in stead of whole data while updating vmi
5. Allow vlan id to be from 1 to 4094.
Closes-Bug: #1417380
(cherry picked from commit b580b58a9ed75f0 e0f8a8db788b279 08538226c8)
Modification for enabling disabling DNS
Handled DNS enabling/disabling cases per subnet
Added DNS enable/disable column in detail template
Few DNS validations added
Partial-Bug: #1417666
(cherry picked from commit fab74522f774467 62e135f21435554 5bb3ea55ae)
1) Fixed - disabled the checkbox when the length is 0 for Primary Interface.
2) Fixed - control-label class was pushing to the next line so removed it.
(cherry picked from commit 8358c4ca7cc4b79 637f222f4402e3a 7b439b5d05)
In low resolution, vn subnet details are not clear.
Fixed the issue by adjusting width of the columns to suit 1024x768 res.
Partial-Bug: #1417666
(cherry picked from commit fb9e8d70316805a 4a26b04c36fc6ca 35592de518)
Change-Id: I7d8d2cade2b732 13507ef6fc284c0 009b0fb4ff7
Conflicts: config/ ports/api/ portsconfig. api.js
Adding support of sub-interface in port configuration.
On behalf of Bala Murugan
commit(R2.1) 8358c4ca7cc4b79 637f222f4402e3a 7b439b5d05 was not merged properley so
manualley copy paster
1) Fixed - disabled the checkbox when the length is 0 for Primary Interface.
2) Fixed - control-label class was pushing to the next line so removed it.
commit(R2.1) b580b58a9ed75f0 e0f8a8db788b279 08538226c8
was not merged correctley
1. Update vm_refs of parent port in child also while create/edit of a port.
2. Create one vmi, then add 2 sub interfaces, now add one more vmi without sub
interface, now edit it and add subinterface, the other two interfaces were
getting lost as child.
3. Do not send vmi_refs in post data while creating VMI.
4. While edit, send vmi_refs only in stead of whole data while updating vmi
5. Allow vlan id to be from 1 to 4094.
Closes-Bug: #1417380
Change-Id: Ib756a2a84e4824 b102c7badab9d47 36aa8c5c247
Closes-Bug: #1413591