DEBUG: neutronclient.client RESP:{'date': 'Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:54:49 GMT', 'status': '404', 'content-length': '195', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'} {"NeutronError": {"message": "Router d53d4b6d-1d85-48c8-b0c1-ef98b347f575 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c-bfdc-41fe-95a4-55412e5a2837", "type": "ContrailNotFoundError", "detail": ""}}
DEBUG: neutronclient.v2_0.client Error message: {"NeutronError": {"message": "Router d53d4b6d-1d85-48c8-b0c1-ef98b347f575 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c-bfdc-41fe-95a4-55412e5a2837", "type": "ContrailNotFoundError", "detail": ""}}
ERROR: 404-{u'NeutronError': {u'message': u'Router d53d4b6d-1d85-48c8-b0c1-ef98b347f575 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c-bfdc-41fe-95a4-55412e5a2837', u'type': u'ContrailNotFoundError', u'detail': u''}}
DEBUG: clean_up RemoveInterfaceRouter
DEBUG: got an error: 404-{u'NeutronError': {u'message': u'Router d53d4b6d-1d85-48c8-b0c1-ef98b347f575 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c-bfdc-41fe-95a4-55412e5a2837', u'type': u'ContrailNotFoundError', u'detail': u''}}
Build 1.10 24
DEBUG: neutronclient. client 10.204. 217.69: 9696/v2. 0/routers. json?fields= id&name= router1- 21915609 -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: <token> -H "Content-Typ neutronclient"
REQ: curl -i http://
e: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-
DEBUG: neutronclient. client RESP:{'date': 'Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:54:49 GMT', 'status': '200', 'content-length': '61', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'content-location': 'http:// 10.204. 217.69: 9696/v2. 0/routers. json?fields= id&name= router1- 21915609'} {"routers": [{"id": "d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75"}]}
DEBUG: neutronclient. client 10.204. 217.69: 9696/v2. 0/ports. json?fields= id&id=0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37 -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: <token> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python- neutronclient"
REQ: curl -i http://
DEBUG: neutronclient. client RESP:{'date': 'Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:54:49 GMT', 'status': '200', 'content-length': '59', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'content-location': 'http:// 10.204. 217.69: 9696/v2. 0/ports. json?fields= id&id=0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37'} {"ports": [{"id": "0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37"}]}
DEBUG: neutronclient. client 10.204. 217.69: 9696/v2. 0/routers/ d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75/remove_ router_ interface. json -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: <token> -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python- neutronclient" -d '{"port_id": "0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37"}'
REQ: curl -i http://
DEBUG: neutronclient. client RESP:{'date': 'Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:54:49 GMT', 'status': '404', 'content-length': '195', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'} {"NeutronError": {"message": "Router d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37", "type": "ContrailNotFou ndError" , "detail": ""}}
DEBUG: neutronclient. v2_0.client Error message: {"NeutronError": {"message": "Router d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37", "type": "ContrailNotFou ndError" , "detail": ""}} NeutronError' : {u'message': u'Router d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37', u'type': u'ContrailNotFo undError' , u'detail': u''}} Router NeutronError' : {u'message': u'Router d53d4b6d- 1d85-48c8- b0c1-ef98b347f5 75 does not have an interface with id 0ee3b44c- bfdc-41fe- 95a4-55412e5a28 37', u'type': u'ContrailNotFo undError' , u'detail': u''}} ~/github/ mine4/contrail- test#
ERROR: 404-{u'
DEBUG: clean_up RemoveInterface
DEBUG: got an error: 404-{u'