Do we have a theory as to why "traefik, ovn-relay and rabbitmq perform to advertise themselves externally as type LoadBalancer get reverted"
Is this Traefik patching its service, and then post-reboot juju rewrites this on startup to remove the patch, but the charm is missing a hook to be able to put it back?
Is this something about how the pod comes back up post reboot?
The fact that the "workaround is to delete the traefik pod" sounds like something where the steps that Juju is doing might be correct (otherwise the Traefik pod would be configured incorrectly.)
I don't have deep insight into what is happening.
As for the reproduction steps:
snap install microk8s --channel 1.25-strict/sable
sudo microk8s enable dns hostpath-storage
sudo microk8s enable metallb <supply range of IP's to use>
^ what range of IP's are selected. Does it need to be host routable, externally routable, etc?
Can you test this in LXD containers, do you need VMs, do you need host machines?
I can see in James Page's examples that there are 2 IP ranges:
traefik LoadBalancer 80:30024/TCP,443:32396/TCP 7m35s
I'm guessing from everything else that 10.152.183.* is inside the cluster and that 10.177.200.* is meant to be external routes.
Do we have a theory as to why "traefik, ovn-relay and rabbitmq perform to advertise themselves externally as type LoadBalancer get reverted"
Is this Traefik patching its service, and then post-reboot juju rewrites this on startup to remove the patch, but the charm is missing a hook to be able to put it back?
Is this something about how the pod comes back up post reboot?
The fact that the "workaround is to delete the traefik pod" sounds like something where the steps that Juju is doing might be correct (otherwise the Traefik pod would be configured incorrectly.)
I don't have deep insight into what is happening.
As for the reproduction steps:
snap install microk8s --channel 1.25-strict/sable
sudo microk8s enable dns hostpath-storage
sudo microk8s enable metallb <supply range of IP's to use>
^ what range of IP's are selected. Does it need to be host routable, externally routable, etc?
Can you test this in LXD containers, do you need VMs, do you need host machines?
I can see in James Page's examples that there are 2 IP ranges: TCP,443: 32396/TCP 7m35s
traefik LoadBalancer 80:30024/
I'm guessing from everything else that 10.152.183.* is inside the cluster and that 10.177.200.* is meant to be external routes.