Comment 0 for bug 1969487

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Garrett Neugent (thogarre) wrote :

While working to upgrade a customer cloud, I saw that the 'can-upgrade-field' doesn't always populate in "juju status --format yaml", thus falsely showing that a given charm doesn't have newer revisions available. For example:

<user>@<host>$ juju status --format yaml | grep -i 'upgrade' # yields nothing
<user>@<host>$ juju status --format yaml | grep 'cs:aodh'
    charm: cs:aodh-57

if I use charm pull cs:aodh, it correctly shows that the latest revision of aodh for the stable channel is v57:

<user>@<host>$ charm pull cs:aodh

Looking at controller logs, i see the following -

/var/log/juju/machine-0.log:2022-02-10 19:15:40 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:671 "charm-revision-updater" manifold worker returned unexpected error: while getting latest charm revision info: cannot get metadata from the charm store: unexpected response status from server: 404 NOT FOUND

/var/log/juju/machine-0.log:2022-04-11 17:14:51 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:671 "charm-revision-updater" manifold worker returned unexpected error: while getting latest charm revision info: cannot get metadata from the charm store: cannot unmarshal response: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type map[string]struct { Meta struct { IdRevision params.IdRevisionResponse "json:\"id-revision\""; Hash256 params.HashResponse "json:\"hash256\"" } }

This is with a model using Juju 2.9.27, and the client being a snap:

$ juju controllers
Use --refresh option with this command to see the latest information.

Controller Model User Access Cloud/Region Models Nodes HA Version
<name>* <model> <user> superuser <cloud>/default 4 91 3 2.9.27

$ juju version
$ which -a juju

As a workaround, one can run "charm pull" x on the relevant charm, to verify which is the correct upstream version, and compare it against the version running in the cloud to determine if an upgrade is available.