Comment 8 for bug 1844937

Revision history for this message
Heather Lanigan (hmlanigan) wrote :

The debug.log from #5 did not capture any messages from juju.worker.instancemutater as hoped.

Unfortunately neither machine-7.log nor machine-10.log did not have juju.worker.instancemutater=DEBUG.

From the two machine logs, lines like:
DEBUG juju.container.lxd server.go:247 updated "juju-89bcd1-7-lxd-2" profiles, waiting on Updating container
Indicate we were updating the profiles on a container, though I'm not sure if that was at unit add or reboot.

@chris.sanders, I was referring to the juju machine agent in #4.

I can't find the bundle mentioned, but I'll try to reproduce myself.