Comment 7 for bug 1835050

Revision history for this message
Peter De Sousa (pjds) wrote :


Please clarify what version of Juju you are using?


What provider did you deploy your models to?

What charms are you using?


1. Deploy the latest Canonical Kubernetes bundle
2. deploy either of the above charms
3. then attempt to change juju-http(s)-proxy keys.
4. run model-config and observe model update
5. ssh into either of nodes (worker or master) and check the service file
5a. docker: /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
5b. containerd: /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/proxy.conf
    Oberve proxy is not there.
6. change http_proxy key on the docker/containerd charm - observer config changes.