juju bootstrap --auto-upgrade --config=./lab.yaml vsphere juju --debug
10:38:06 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.3.1 gc go1.9.2]
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57 args: []string{"juju", "bootstrap", "--to", "zone=esx.power.lab", "--auto-upgrade", "--config=./lab.yaml", "vsphere", "juju", "--debug"}
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:826 authenticating with region "" and credential "feffi" ()
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:954 provider attrs: map[]
10:38:06 INFO cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa.pub" to authorized-keys
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1010 preparing controller with config: map[primary-network:VM Network enable-os-upgrade:true http-proxy: enable-os-refresh-update:true transmit-vendor-metrics:true cloudinit-userdata: agent-stream:released apt-mirror: disable-network-management:false test-mode:false proxy-ssh:false https-proxy: apt-https-proxy: net-bond-reconfigure-delay:17 resource-tags: update-status-hook-interval:5m apt-http-proxy: uuid:92eecc07-571e-4510-89c4-9907a0d0a5d5 default-series:xenial fan-config: image-stream:released logforward-enabled:false no-proxy:,localhost,::1 max-action-results-age:336h container-networking-method: datastore:ds00 ftp-proxy: egress-subnets: name:controller apt-ftp-proxy: logging-config: ssl-hostname-verification:true agent-metadata-url: max-status-history-age:336h authorized-keys:********************************************** juju-client-key
type:vsphere apt-no-proxy: max-status-history-size:5G max-action-results-size:5G external-network:VM Network image-metadata-url: automatically-retry-hooks:true ignore-machine-addresses:false development:false provisioner-harvest-mode:destroyed firewall-mode:instance]
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:499 Creating Juju controller "juju" on vsphere/esx.power.lab
10:38:06 INFO juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:563 combined bootstrap constraints:
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:199 model "controller" supports service/machine networks: false
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:201 network management by juju enabled: true
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:233 Loading image metadata
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:296 Looking for packaged Juju agent version <nil> for amd64
10:38:06 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:72 looking for bootstrap agent binaries: version=<nil>
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:102 finding agent binaries in stream: "released"
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:104 reading agent binaries with major.minor version 2.3
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:118 filtering agent binaries by architecture: amd64
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools urls.go:109 trying datasource "keystone catalog"
10:38:07 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:683 using default candidate for content id "com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools" are {20161007 mirrors:1.0 content-download streams/v1/cpc-mirrors.sjson []}
10:38:07 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:74 found 48 packaged agent binaries
10:38:07 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:371 Starting new instance for initial controller
10:38:08 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:151 Launching controller instance(s) on vsphere/esx.power.lab...
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:112 obtained image datasource "default cloud images"
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:112 obtained image datasource "default ubuntu cloud images"
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:457 skipping index "https://streams.canonical.com/juju/images/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson" because of missing information: "image-downloads" data not found
10:38:10 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:519 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: agent binary info mismatch ({2.3.0-xenial-amd64 0dbc7bafc0bb9b6d62846d617591755e50547f13e16881d6571d39b31b20335a 28011270}, {2.3.1-xenial-amd64 72bed4104b050a63f1d026a889d8fc9bdfb13f9b04b47ef3b762967774e1a187 28017324})
juju bootstrap --auto-upgrade --config=./lab.yaml vsphere juju --debug power.lab" , "--auto-upgrade", "--config= ./lab.yaml" , "vsphere", "juju", "--debug"} juju.commands bootstrap.go:826 authenticating with region "" and credential "feffi" () juju.commands bootstrap.go:954 provider attrs: map[] .local/ share/juju/ ssh/juju_ id_rsa. pub" to authorized-keys juju.commands bootstrap.go:1010 preparing controller with config: map[primary- network: VM Network enable- os-upgrade: true http-proxy: enable- os-refresh- update: true transmit- vendor- metrics: true cloudinit-userdata: agent-stream: released apt-mirror: disable- network- management: false test-mode:false proxy-ssh:false https-proxy: apt-https-proxy: net-bond- reconfigure- delay:17 resource-tags: update- status- hook-interval: 5m apt-http-proxy: uuid:92eecc07- 571e-4510- 89c4-9907a0d0a5 d5 default- series: xenial fan-config: image-stream: released logforward- enabled: false no-proxy: 127.0.0. 1,localhost, ::1 max-action- results- age:336h container- networking- method: datastore:ds00 ftp-proxy: egress-subnets: name:controller apt-ftp-proxy: logging-config: ssl-hostname- verification: true agent-metadata-url: max-status- history- age:336h authorized- keys:** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ** juju-client-key history- size:5G max-action- results- size:5G external-network:VM Network image-metadata-url: automatically- retry-hooks: true ignore- machine- addresses: false development:false provisioner- harvest- mode:destroyed firewall- mode:instance] esx.power. lab juju.commands bootstrap.go:563 combined bootstrap constraints: bootstrap bootstrap.go:199 model "controller" supports service/machine networks: false bootstrap bootstrap.go:201 network management by juju enabled: true bootstrap tools.go:72 looking for bootstrap agent binaries: version=<nil> simplestreams simplestreams. go:683 using default candidate for content id "com.ubuntu. juju:released: tools" are {20161007 mirrors:1.0 content-download streams/ v1/cpc- mirrors. sjson []} bootstrap tools.go:74 found 48 packaged agent binaries esx.power. lab... go:112 obtained image datasource "default cloud images" go:112 obtained image datasource "default ubuntu cloud images"
10:38:06 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.3.1 gc go1.9.2]
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57 args: []string{"juju", "bootstrap", "--to", "zone=esx.
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.
10:38:06 INFO cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of "/root/
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.cmd.
type:vsphere apt-no-proxy: max-status-
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:499 Creating Juju controller "juju" on vsphere/
10:38:06 INFO juju.cmd.
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:233 Loading image metadata
10:38:06 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:296 Looking for packaged Juju agent version <nil> for amd64
10:38:06 INFO juju.environs.
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:102 finding agent binaries in stream: "released"
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:104 reading agent binaries with major.minor version 2.3
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools tools.go:118 filtering agent binaries by architecture: amd64
10:38:06 DEBUG juju.environs.tools urls.go:109 trying datasource "keystone catalog"
10:38:07 DEBUG juju.environs.
10:38:07 INFO juju.environs.
10:38:07 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:371 Starting new instance for initial controller
10:38:08 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:151 Launching controller instance(s) on vsphere/
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.
10:38:08 DEBUG juju.environs. simplestreams simplestreams. go:457 skipping index "https:/ /streams. canonical. com/juju/ images/ releases/ streams/ v1/index. sjson" because of missing information: "image-downloads" data not found juju.commands bootstrap.go:519 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: agent binary info mismatch ({2.3.0- xenial- amd64 0dbc7bafc0bb9b6 d62846d61759175 5e50547f13e1688 1d6571d39b31b20 335a 28011270}, {2.3.1-xenial-amd64 72bed4104b050a6 3f1d026a889d8fc 9bdfb13f9b04b47 ef3b762967774e1 a187 28017324})
10:38:10 ERROR juju.cmd.
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.cmd. juju.commands bootstrap.go:520 (error details: [{github. com/juju/ juju/cmd/ juju/commands/ bootstrap. go:611: failed to bootstrap model} {github. com/juju/ juju/provider/ common/ bootstrap. go:50: } {github. com/juju/ juju/provider/ common/ bootstrap. go:202: cannot start bootstrap instance} {github. com/juju/ juju/provider/ vsphere/ environ_ broker. go:82: } {github. com/juju/ juju/provider/ vsphere/ environ_ broker. go:111: } {github. com/juju/ juju/cloudconfi g/instancecfg/ instancecfg. go:533: agent binary info mismatch ({2.3.0- xenial- amd64 0dbc7bafc0bb9b6 d62846d61759175 5e50547f13e1688 1d6571d39b31b20 335a 28011270}, {2.3.1-xenial-amd64 72bed4104b050a6 3f1d026a889d8fc 9bdfb13f9b04b47 ef3b762967774e1 a187 28017324})}]) juju.commands bootstrap.go:1117 cleaning up after failed bootstrap common destroy.go:20 destroying model "controller" common destroy.go:31 destroying instances common destroy.go:55 destroying storage vmware client.go:84 no VMs matching path "Juju Controller (50b2f4c8- 2aae-46ed- 8e11-99d6cc9c57 2a)/Model \"*\" (*)/*" vmware environ.go:233 deleting: [ds03] juju-vmdks/ 50b2f4c8- 2aae-46ed- 8e11-99d6cc9c57 2a vmware environ.go:233 deleting: [ds02] juju-vmdks/ 50b2f4c8- 2aae-46ed- 8e11-99d6cc9c57 2a vmware environ.go:233 deleting: [ds00] juju-vmdks/ 50b2f4c8- 2aae-46ed- 8e11-99d6cc9c57 2a
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.cmd.
10:38:10 INFO juju.provider.
10:38:10 INFO juju.provider.
10:38:10 INFO juju.provider.
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.provider.
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.provider.
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.provider.
10:38:10 DEBUG juju.provider.
10:38:10 INFO cmd supercommand.go:465 command finished