I have a strong suspicion this is the commit that introduced the EC2 issue: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/5683/files#diff-06274097d1cb1729d2d50ed7a575a8e3L452
It was present in both OpenStack and EC2 providers since PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/5683/ landed, and apparently restored with a follow-up PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/5700/, but only in the OpenStack provider, EC2 still needs fixing.
Will double check and confirm tomorrow.
I have a strong suspicion this is the commit that introduced the EC2 issue: /github. com/juju/ juju/pull/ 5683/files# diff-06274097d1 cb1729d2d50ed7a 575a8e3L452
It was present in both OpenStack and EC2 providers since PR https:/ /github. com/juju/ juju/pull/ 5683/ landed, and apparently restored with a follow-up PR https:/ /github. com/juju/ juju/pull/ 5700/, but only in the OpenStack provider, EC2 still needs fixing.
Will double check and confirm tomorrow.