From cloud-init-output.log from a centos deploy with maas 2.0:
+ curl -sSfw 'tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP %{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed %{speed_download} bytes/s ' --noproxy '*' --insecure -o /var/lib/juju/tools/2.0-beta7-centos7-amd64/tools.tar.gz curl: (35) Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.
Suggests issue is from natefinch/useSecureTLS:
From cloud-init- output. log from a centos deploy with maas 2.0:
+ curl -sSfw 'tools from %{url_effective} downloaded: HTTP %{http_code}; time %{time_total}s; size %{size_download} bytes; speed %{speed_download} bytes/s ' --noproxy '*' --insecure -o /var/lib/ juju/tools/ 2.0-beta7- centos7- amd64/tools. tar.gz https:/ /10.0.210. 121:17070/ model/8d1e7eb2- 04d6-4283- 8215-a8049ad753 f0/tools/ 2.0-beta7- centos7- amd64
curl: (35) Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version.
Suggests issue is from natefinch/ useSecureTLS:
<http:// reviews. vapour. ws/r/4735/>