Comment 1 for bug 1554721

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Andrew Wilkins (axwalk) wrote :

Adam, to better understand your requirements, can you please answer a couple of questions?

1. Is there a reason why you can't just use "juju get-model-config" to get the type? And MAAS server address?
2. If you need to be able to get this information without making API calls, do you need to get this information from any machine other than the one that ran the bootstrap command?

I'm working on a change that adds "bootstrap config" to the output of show-controller. This will only be available on the client that ran "juju bootstrap". Bootstrap config includes:
 - the cloud name (e.g. aws)
 - the cloud type (e.g. ec2)
 - the region name (e.g. us-east-1)
 - any additional config passed to bootstrap with --config

Would that work for you?