Comment 29 for bug 1513667

Revision history for this message
Anastasia (anastasia-macmood) wrote : Re: Better error messaging around uniter failure

Further context:

lcy01 and lcy02 are two sister environments.
They are identical from Juju perspective: were deployed from the same mojo spec, with the same bootstrap constraints.
They only differ in public IPs: since they are using floating IPs, these were added manually.

 *** lcy01
 * [YESTERDAY] was upgraded to 1.25.6;
 * [TODAY] showed symptoms;
 * [TODAY] fixed with restart of jujud-machine-0 + juju resolved --retry of failed units;
 * logs attached above are juju-log-0,1,2.

 *** lcy02
 * was deployed first: had some issues with one unit which was destroyed & replaced;
 * [YESTERDAY] showed symptoms;
 * [YESTERDAY] fixed with restart of jujud-machine-0 + juju resolved --retry of failed units;
 * [YESTERDAY] was upgraded to 1.25.6;
 * [TODAY] OK;
 * logs attached above are machine-[0,3].