Comment 7 for bug 1367987

Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote : Re: juju 1.18 cannot parse simplestreams containing version "1.21-alpha1"

Taking into account the desire for different tools streams, and the advantage of
providing the ability to maintain a single source tree for tools metadata,
here's a slightly revised implementation plan:

The tools metadata will live in this location:<tag>/streams/v1

where <tag> is one of:
- released
- proposed
- devel
- testing

Just as we currently have an "image-stream" config setting for simplestreams
image metadata, there will be an equivalent "tools-stream" setting for tools
metadata to specify the tag. This keeps everything nice and consistent. The new
tools metadata is in a different location to what exists today, so 1.18 Juju can
still upgrade.

Note: the file paths inside the json metadata will need to contain the full path under tools
streams/v1/cpc-mirrors.json becomes <tag>/treams/v1/cpc-mirrors.json etc