Comment 3 for bug 1460087

Revision history for this message
Kevin W Monroe (kwmonroe) wrote :

Thanks for the triage Curtis! Just another data point here.. I fired up a Trusty vagrant image with ppa:juju/stable and see the same problem -- the bootstrap/juju-gui unit (0) state goes "down", but all units continue deploying and their states eventually become "started". However, no relations are created. Same deployment as before:

$ juju quickstart u/bigdata-dev/apache-core-batch-processing --debug

I see similar output with 1.23.3 (though less informative than 1.24):

    agent-state: down
    agent-state-info: (started)
    agent-version: 1.23.3
    instance-id: c3608547-1d59-4c6e-92db-03fb01f4c06c
    instance-state: ACTIVE
    series: trusty
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=1 mem=2048M root-disk=10240M availability-zone=nova
    state-server-member-status: has-vote
    charm: cs:trusty/juju-gui-27
    exposed: true
        agent-state: down
        agent-state-info: (started)
        agent-version: 1.23.3
        machine: "0"
        - 80/tcp
        - 443/tcp

Versions, etc:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ dpkg -l | grep juju
ii juju 1.23.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 all next generation service orchestration system
ii juju-core 1.23.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 amd64 Juju is devops distilled - client
ii juju-local 1.23.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 all dependency package for the Juju local provider
ii juju-mongodb 2.4.9-0ubuntu3 amd64 MongoDB object/document-oriented database for Juju
ii juju-quickstart 2.1.1+bzr133+ppa36~ubuntu14.04.1 all Easy configuration of Juju environments
ii jujubundlelib 0.1.8-1 all A Python library for working with Juju bundles.
ii python-jujuclient 0.50.1-2 amd64 Python API client for juju-core

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ pip list | grep juju
juju-quickstart (2.1.1)
jujubundlelib (0.1.8)
jujuclient (0.50.1)

Fwiw, I have *only* seen this with canonistack, and it takes 3+ hours before the units in my deployment go "started". I have no problem deploying the same bundle to Azure or locally, though deployments to those substrates complete in < 1 hour. I'm not sure if this means my problem is related to the openstack provider or if it's due to the length of time for the deployment.