Where proxy is the squid proxy that we setup in that environment. So, unless we are doing a wrong config, it seems that Juju is failing to access streams.canonical.com behind a proxy.
Brendan has tested that the deployed machine can access streams.canonical.com via the proxy:
16:36 < brendand> roaksoax, i can wget from streams.canonical.com if i specify http_proxy=<proxy ip>
And obviously, as part of the CI, MAAS is configured to use the external proxy as well, hence, we have validated that the proxy gives access to the outside world.
So it is either that we are not passing the config correctly, juju is not taking it, or if it is, then Juju is failing to access the internet via the proxy.
Hi Martin,
This is how we bootstrap juju:
juju --debug bootstrap autopkgtest testmaas --keep-broken --config= /tmp/tmp0k2f4hy 6
The config file above containers:
http-proxy: {proxy}
https-proxy: {proxy}
Where proxy is the squid proxy that we setup in that environment. So, unless we are doing a wrong config, it seems that Juju is failing to access streams. canonical. com behind a proxy.
Brendan has tested that the deployed machine can access streams. canonical. com via the proxy:
16:36 < brendand> roaksoax, i can wget from streams. canonical. com if i specify http_proxy=<proxy ip>
And obviously, as part of the CI, MAAS is configured to use the external proxy as well, hence, we have validated that the proxy gives access to the outside world.
So it is either that we are not passing the config correctly, juju is not taking it, or if it is, then Juju is failing to access the internet via the proxy.