Comment 0 for bug 1494542

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Michael Nelson (michael.nelson) wrote : unit does not go to error state

I'm testing a deploy in which, due to an error in a charm, the config-change hook failed, as I can verify by tailing the juju log:

yet juju status for the same service is not in an error state, but rather has:

$ juju status sca-app | grep agent-status -A5
          current: executing
          message: running commands
          since: 11 Sep 2015 00:05:07Z
        agent-state: started

This leaves the unit in the 'started' state, but I can't do anything like debug-hooks (unit not in error state), upgrade-charm (seems to get queued, but not executed because of the running commands), as juju seems to be convinced that the unit is currently running commands.

$ juju --version