Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid.
Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since:
1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid
2) This replaces the doc with a new one.
Envuuid is lost
There is a fix for this in http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2148/ as part of a refactoring of status history.
Entities Initial status doc is being created in Service.addUnitOps by a createStatusOp, this generates an Insert operation and, as such, is being automatically updated to include env-uuid. reviews. vapour. ws/r/2148/ as part of a refactoring of status history.
Subsequent status sets are being done by updateStatusOp which generates an Update operation that does a bson.D{{"$set": doc }} and since:
1) Update operation is not being automatically patched for envuuid
2) This replaces the doc with a new one.
Envuuid is lost
There is a fix for this in http://