Comment 20 for bug 1468579

Revision history for this message
Larry Michel (lmic) wrote :

I am recreating this bug with 1.25.0

Reading state information...
tmux is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Attempt 1 to download tools from
tools from downloaded: HTTP 200; time 4.093s; size 18672448 bytes; speed 4561922.000 bytes/s Tools downloaded successfully.
0419fcde2d571a00eddd0b2fb9e35f5102a9fd81cbecd4a2d0b648da7740eab3 /var/lib/juju/tools/1.25.0-trusty-amd64/tools.tar.gz
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:37 running jujud [1.25.0-trusty-amd64 gc]
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO network.go:242 setting prefer-ipv6 to false
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO juju.agent identity.go:22 writing system identity file
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO juju.mongo mongo.go:175 Ensuring mongo server is running; data directory /var/lib/juju; port 37017
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO juju.mongo mongo.go:339 installing juju-mongodb
2016-01-19 14:36:45 INFO juju.utils.packaging.manager utils.go:57 Running: apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet install juju-mongodb
2016-01-19 14:44:33 INFO juju.worker.peergrouper initiate.go:78 finished MaybeInitiateMongoServer
2016-01-19 14:44:33 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:429 cannot initiate replica set: cannot dial mongo to initiate replicaset: no reachable servers
ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 1