The revision did not pass. We need to know if juju is still broken or if the maas cannot talk to the charm store. I see this error:
charm URL: cs:trusty/juju-gui-27 requesting juju-gui deployment juju-quickstart: error: bad API response: charm "cs:trusty/juju-gui-27" not found 2015-04-30 14:43:01 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 subprocess encountered error code 1 2015-04-30 14:43:01 ERROR Command '('juju', '--show-log', 'quickstart', '-e', 'maas17-quickstart-bundle', '--constraints', 'mem=2G arch=amd64', '--no-browser', '/var/lib/jenkins/repository/landscape-scalable.yaml')' returned non-zero exit status 1
^ That is an old version of the juju-gui charm. it cannot disappear from the store.
The revision did not pass. We need to know if juju is still broken or if the maas cannot talk to the charm store. I see this error:
charm URL: cs:trusty/ juju-gui- 27 juju-gui- 27" not found quickstart- bundle' , '--constraints', 'mem=2G arch=amd64', '--no-browser', '/var/lib/ jenkins/ repository/ landscape- scalable. yaml')' returned non-zero exit status 1
requesting juju-gui deployment
juju-quickstart: error: bad API response: charm "cs:trusty/
2015-04-30 14:43:01 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:430 subprocess encountered error code 1
2015-04-30 14:43:01 ERROR Command '('juju', '--show-log', 'quickstart', '-e', 'maas17-
^ That is an old version of the juju-gui charm. it cannot disappear from the store.