We saw the same breakage throughout OpenStack charm testing CI. Here's the patch i'm rolling out in UOSCI for the time being. It gets deployer working again. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10409429/
# FYI, version info: jenkins@juju-beis0-machine-3:~/bzr/flat/bundles/other$ apt-cache policy juju-core juju-core: Installed: 1.21.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 Candidate: 1.21.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 Version table: *** 1.21.3-0ubuntu1~14.04.1~juju1 0 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/stable/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 1.20.11-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 0 500 http://nova.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/universe amd64 Packages 1.18.1-0ubuntu1 0 500 http://nova.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
jenkins@juju-beis0-machine-3:~/bzr/flat/bundles/other$ apt-cache policy juju-deployer juju-deployer: Installed: 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 Candidate: 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 Version table: *** 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 0 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/stable/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 0.3.6-0ubuntu2 0 500 http://nova.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
jenkins@juju-beis0-machine-3:~/bzr/flat/bundles/other$ apt-cache policy python-jujuclient python-jujuclient: Installed: 0.18.4-5 Candidate: 0.18.4-5 Version table: *** 0.18.4-5 0 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/juju/stable/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 0.17.5-0ubuntu2 0 500 http://nova.clouds.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
We saw the same breakage throughout OpenStack charm testing CI. Here's the patch i'm rolling out in UOSCI for the time being. It gets deployer working again. http:// paste.ubuntu. com/10409429/
# FYI, version info: juju-beis0- machine- 3:~/bzr/ flat/bundles/ other$ apt-cache policy juju-core 0ubuntu1~ 14.04.1~ juju1 0ubuntu1~ 14.04.1~ juju1 0ubuntu1~ 14.04.1~ juju1 0 ppa.launchpad. net/juju/ stable/ ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages dpkg/status 20.11-0ubuntu0. 14.04.1 0 nova.clouds. archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ trusty- updates/ universe amd64 Packages 18.1-0ubuntu1 0 nova.clouds. archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
Installed: 1.21.3-
Candidate: 1.21.3-
Version table:
*** 1.21.3-
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
500 http://
500 http://
jenkins@ juju-beis0- machine- 3:~/bzr/ flat/bundles/ other$ apt-cache policy juju-deployer ubuntu14. 04.1~ppa1 ubuntu14. 04.1~ppa1 ubuntu14. 04.1~ppa1 0 ppa.launchpad. net/juju/ stable/ ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages dpkg/status nova.clouds. archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
Installed: 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~
Candidate: 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~
Version table:
*** 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
0.3.6-0ubuntu2 0
500 http://
jenkins@ juju-beis0- machine- 3:~/bzr/ flat/bundles/ other$ apt-cache policy python-jujuclient ppa.launchpad. net/juju/ stable/ ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64 Packages dpkg/status 17.5-0ubuntu2 0 nova.clouds. archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages
Installed: 0.18.4-5
Candidate: 0.18.4-5
Version table:
*** 0.18.4-5 0
500 http://
100 /var/lib/
500 http://