Note: this isn't just bootstrap, this is a whole lifecycle from bootstrap to destroy-environment, without any DEBUG messages.
So this appears to be a change in behaviour. It may be that the POLICY is old, but no DEBUG messages were actually emitted until recently.
If it is not, it is at least surprising behaviour. If the messages are valuable for more than debugging, then they should be logged at the INFO level. If the info is only useful for debugging, then it should not be shown by default.
Normally, we don't see DEBUG messages when we do --show-log
Here are some examples from http:// reports. vapour. ws/releases/ 2335 data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2312/aws- deploy- precise- amd64/build- 2260/consoleTex t data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/azure- deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 3064/consoleTex t data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/canonistac k-deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 2681/consoleTex t data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/hp- deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 2335/consoleTex t data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/joyent- deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 208/consoleText data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/kvm- deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 672/consoleText data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/local- deploy- precise- amd64/build- 2414/consoleTex t data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/maas- 1_7-deploy- trusty- amd64/build- 597/consoleText data.vapour. ws/juju- ci/products/ version- 2335/manual- deploy- precise- amd64/build- 1732/consoleTex t
Note: this isn't just bootstrap, this is a whole lifecycle from bootstrap to destroy- environment, without any DEBUG messages.
So this appears to be a change in behaviour. It may be that the POLICY is old, but no DEBUG messages were actually emitted until recently.
If it is not, it is at least surprising behaviour. If the messages are valuable for more than debugging, then they should be logged at the INFO level. If the info is only useful for debugging, then it should not be shown by default.