Comment 0 for bug 1416928

Revision history for this message
Fabricio Costi (fabricio-9) wrote : juju agent using lxcbr0 address as apiaddress instead of juju-br0 after reboot

node 0: bootstrap, lxc/0-2
node 1: lxc/0-6
node 2: metal only

- on node 0, physical and lxc machines and all unit agents have the ip from node 0 lxcbr0 bridge assigned to apiaddress in agent.conf. they report correctly their state.
- on node 1, physical and lxc machine and all unit agents have the node 0 lxcbr0 ip assigned to apiaddress in agent.conf. they can't reach it.
- on node 2, physical machine agent have the node 0 lxcbr0 ip assigned to apiaddress in agent.conf. can't reach it.

manually changing apiaddress on all agents to juju-br0 ip of node 0, stopping and starting all the agents solved the issue.

after reboot, same problem happens as agent.conf is overwritten by juju on all lxc and units.