However, the logs are not sufficient to understand what the problem is. I need to see the generated config ang logs from /var/lib/juju/containers/* (cloud-init, container.log, console.log), /var/lib/juju/removed-containers/* (if any; same files), /var/lib/lxc/juju-*template/config, and /var/lib/lxc/jenkins-*/config.
It will also be much easier to see what's going on if all these jobs were configured with "logging-config: <root>=INFO, juju.container=TRACE", as most of the operations around containers are heavily logged on TRACE and DEBUG levels. This will be much more useful for analyzing such failures in the future.
Sorry about this! I'm investigating now.
However, the logs are not sufficient to understand what the problem is. I need to see the generated config ang logs from /var/lib/ juju/containers /* (cloud-init, container.log, console.log), /var/lib/ juju/removed- containers/ * (if any; same files), /var/lib/ lxc/juju- *template/ config, and /var/lib/ lxc/jenkins- */config.
It will also be much easier to see what's going on if all these jobs were configured with "logging-config: <root>=INFO, juju.container= TRACE", as most of the operations around containers are heavily logged on TRACE and DEBUG levels. This will be much more useful for analyzing such failures in the future.