Comment 1 for bug 1414016

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Dimiter Naydenov (dimitern) wrote :

Sorry about this! I'm investigating now.

However, the logs are not sufficient to understand what the problem is. I need to see the generated config ang logs from /var/lib/juju/containers/* (cloud-init, container.log, console.log), /var/lib/juju/removed-containers/* (if any; same files), /var/lib/lxc/juju-*template/config, and /var/lib/lxc/jenkins-*/config.

It will also be much easier to see what's going on if all these jobs were configured with "logging-config: <root>=INFO, juju.container=TRACE", as most of the operations around containers are heavily logged on TRACE and DEBUG levels. This will be much more useful for analyzing such failures in the future.