This symptom was seen with juju bootstrap is consistently failing when the server cannot resolve it's own hostname; we hit this in an environment with a challenging DNS setup, the fix was to specify the local domain in MAAS, replace the default "maas" with or whatever your domain is. You could fix this temporarily by adding " <my-hostname>" to /etc/hosts and see if that fixes this particular problem.
This symptom was seen with juju bootstrap is consistently failing when the server cannot resolve it's own hostname; we hit this in an environment with a challenging DNS setup, the fix was to specify the local domain in MAAS, replace the default "maas" with or whatever your domain is. You could fix this temporarily by adding " <my-hostname>" to /etc/hosts and see if that fixes this particular problem.
These commands helped debug the juju pieces:
juju bootstrap --debug --keep-broken
/var/lib/ juju/tools/ 1\.2\.3- precise- amd64/jujud bootstrap-state --data-dir '/var/lib/juju' --env-config '[^']*' --instance-id 'i-bootstrap' --constraints 'mem=2048M' --debug