So, I'd like to get a bit more detail from you about what you expect here. I believe that on MaaS we *are* supposed to be connecting to br0, because that is bridged onto the external network, which allows the LXC container to get a routable IP address from DHCP.
While "lxcbr0" is only routable on the local machine.
If you believe there is a reason to bind to lxcbr0, then this is a bug that we need to sort out.
If you don't, then this is a dupe of bug #1271144, because we just need to be starting/configuring/whatever the br0 network that we expect to be binding to.
So, I'd like to get a bit more detail from you about what you expect here. I believe that on MaaS we *are* supposed to be connecting to br0, because that is bridged onto the external network, which allows the LXC container to get a routable IP address from DHCP.
While "lxcbr0" is only routable on the local machine.
If you believe there is a reason to bind to lxcbr0, then this is a bug that we need to sort out.
If you don't, then this is a dupe of bug #1271144, because we just need to be starting/ configuring/ whatever the br0 network that we expect to be binding to.