Currently we have a keystonemiddleware.auth_token.cafile
which is used for talking to Openstack services using https.
Ironic doesn't pass this down to swiftclient for verifying
https connections.
Closes-Bug: #1454353
Change-Id: Id085ea6c0f1d072ec631b9851ddfde96852aca56
(cherry picked from commit aa73025c1c3f99252654d2e3875be3866f5e2862)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/253460 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ironic/ commit/ ?id=d404492aed5 82fd275495a860e f1d153623ce3fa
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit d404492aed582fd 275495a860ef1d1 53623ce3fa
Author: Aparna <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 15 05:58:16 2015 +0000
Ironic doesn't use cacert while talking to Swift
Currently we have a keystonemiddlew are.auth_ token.cafile
which is used for talking to Openstack services using https.
Ironic doesn't pass this down to swiftclient for verifying
https connections.
Closes-Bug: #1454353 2ec631b9851ddfd e96852aca56 52654d2e3875be3 866f5e2862)
Change-Id: Id085ea6c0f1d07
(cherry picked from commit aa73025c1c3f992