commit fdaf396e88ac59a52d395ed075ddff8163a16473
Author: Julia Kreger <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 11 11:09:28 2023 -0700
Fix Cinder Integration fallout from CVE-2023-2088
In the recent change to cinder, to address CVE-2023-2088,
cinder changed the policy rules and behavior for unbinding,
or "detaching" a volume. This was because of a vulnerability
in compute nodes where a volume which was in use by a VM
could be detached outside of Nova, and nova wouldn't become
aware the volume was detached, and the volume could be accessible
to the next VM.
This vulnerability doesn't apply to bare metal operations as
volumes are attached to whole baremetal nodes with Ironic.
We now generate and use a service token when interacting with
Cinder which allows cinder to recognize "this request is
coming from a fellow OpenStack service", and by-pass
checking with Nova if the "instance" is managed by Nova,
or Not. This allows the volumes to be attached, and detached
as needed as part of the power operation flow and overall
set of lifecycle operations.
Note: This change is modified from the original upstream chnage
becuse that change leverages the ability for a project_id value
to no longer be required in the cinder URL for interactions with
cinder, which was a requirement removed in Yoga.
Additional note: Disables the rescue testing on one of the wallaby
branch jobs. Essentially is is a tempest branching, or lack their
of issue. Master branch ironic-tempest-plugin has a fix
which doesn't exist on tempest 29.0.0.
Related-Bug: 2004555
Closes-Bug: 2019892
Change-Id: Ib258bc9650496da989fc93b759b112d279c8b217
(cherry picked from commit 9c0b4c90a19fc1db262a942a1b6a1baafc881ccc)
(cherry picked from commit cb38746f71f5dfa346371bf06985bbbb2208af6e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /ironic/ +/883581 /opendev. org/openstack/ ironic/ commit/ fdaf396e88ac59a 52d395ed075ddff 8163a16473
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit fdaf396e88ac59a 52d395ed075ddff 8163a16473
Author: Julia Kreger <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 11 11:09:28 2023 -0700
Fix Cinder Integration fallout from CVE-2023-2088
In the recent change to cinder, to address CVE-2023-2088,
cinder changed the policy rules and behavior for unbinding,
or "detaching" a volume. This was because of a vulnerability
in compute nodes where a volume which was in use by a VM
could be detached outside of Nova, and nova wouldn't become
aware the volume was detached, and the volume could be accessible
to the next VM.
This vulnerability doesn't apply to bare metal operations as
volumes are attached to whole baremetal nodes with Ironic.
We now generate and use a service token when interacting with
Cinder which allows cinder to recognize "this request is
coming from a fellow OpenStack service", and by-pass
checking with Nova if the "instance" is managed by Nova,
or Not. This allows the volumes to be attached, and detached
as needed as part of the power operation flow and overall
set of lifecycle operations.
Note: This change is modified from the original upstream chnage
becuse that change leverages the ability for a project_id value
to no longer be required in the cinder URL for interactions with
cinder, which was a requirement removed in Yoga.
Additional note: Disables the rescue testing on one of the wallaby tempest- plugin has a fix
branch jobs. Essentially is is a tempest branching, or lack their
of issue. Master branch ironic-
which doesn't exist on tempest 29.0.0.
Related-Bug: 2004555
Closes-Bug: 2019892
Change-Id: Ib258bc9650496d a989fc93b759b11 2d279c8b217 b262a942a1b6a1b aafc881ccc) 346371bf06985bb bb2208af6e)
(cherry picked from commit 9c0b4c90a19fc1d
(cherry picked from commit cb38746f71f5dfa