Comment 19 for bug 1929902

Revision history for this message
Pierre Equoy (pieq) wrote :

Following Kent's comment #18, a few additional steps are required to complete the test, as described to me by Jacob Wu from Asus. The following steps are a more detailed "step 5" from previous comment, if you will:

1. Create a device image for partition, in this case 400MB memory space:
    $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/temp.img bs=1M count=400
    400+0 records in
    400+0 records out

2. Format partition as FAT32
    $ sudo mkdosfs -F 32 /temp.img
    mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)

3. Load g_mass_storage for partition
    $ sudo modprobe g_mass_storage file=/temp.img stall=0

4. From an Ubuntu (or Windows) host, connect a cable to the USB OTG port (on Aaeon EHL board, it's the USB type C connector) of the device under test (DUT), and a new mass storage should be available in the host.