I want to extend this bug.
This also affects exporting to .ps files.
Furthermore invisible lines get overlaid by visible ones, or just get drawn.
The attached .svg, generated by the program "bkchem 0.13" shows a text in big brackets.
Exported to ps or eps by Inkscape 0.48.2 r9819 on Ubuntu 11.10 the brackets become rectangular boxes.
In the source drawing the brackets are rectangular boxes with one line being invisible.
Settings for the export were:
PS Level 3
Text to path: off
ps+latex: off
filter to raster: on
raster DPI: 90
Export is whole drawing: on
Export is whole cancas: on
limit to ID: %empty%
eps Level: 3
text to path: on
eps+latex: off
Filter to raster:on
raster DPI: 90
Export is whole drawing: off
Export is whole canvas: on
limit to ID: %empty%
I want to extend this bug.
This also affects exporting to .ps files.
Furthermore invisible lines get overlaid by visible ones, or just get drawn.
The attached .svg, generated by the program "bkchem 0.13" shows a text in big brackets.
Exported to ps or eps by Inkscape 0.48.2 r9819 on Ubuntu 11.10 the brackets become rectangular boxes.
In the source drawing the brackets are rectangular boxes with one line being invisible.
Settings for the export were:
PS Level 3
Text to path: off
ps+latex: off
filter to raster: on
raster DPI: 90
Export is whole drawing: on
Export is whole cancas: on
limit to ID: %empty%
eps Level: 3
text to path: on
eps+latex: off
Filter to raster:on
raster DPI: 90
Export is whole drawing: off
Export is whole canvas: on
limit to ID: %empty%