> When dock/c++'ifying this dialog the ctrl+key press are not received anymore.
That's very unfortunate, because when entering new values for an attribute, one usually lets go of the mouse and has both hands on the keyboard. Could you assign a mnemonic to the 'Set' button, so that it could at least be triggered with 'Alt+S' (or 'Alt+T' - unfortunately any of S,E and T will 'shadow' (or take over) one already in use in the main window for the main menu bar).
> When dock/c++'ifying this dialog the ctrl+key press are not received anymore.
That's very unfortunate, because when entering new values for an attribute, one usually lets go of the mouse and has both hands on the keyboard. Could you assign a mnemonic to the 'Set' button, so that it could at least be triggered with 'Alt+S' (or 'Alt+T' - unfortunately any of S,E and T will 'shadow' (or take over) one already in use in the main window for the main menu bar).